

UNIC ŞEHİR LABORATUVARLARI (UNIC CityLabs) “Göçmen ve Mültecilerin Şehir Yaşamındaki Kapsayıcılığı” ÇALIŞTAYINA KATILIM

Koç Üniversitesi olarak partneri olduğumuz Endüstrileşme-Sonrası Kentler Avrupa Üniversitesi (UNIC) projesinin Şehir Laboratuvarları (CityLabs) ayağında İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Koç Üniversitesi (Koç Üniversitesi Göç Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi MiReKoc– Koç Üniversitesi Sosyal Etki Forumu KUSİF– Koç Üniversitesi Öğrenme ve Öğretme Ofisi KOLT) ve Vehbi Koç Vakfı iş birliğiyle 25 Haziran 2021 Cuma günü saat 13:00’da çevrimiçi olarak Çalıştayımız gerçekleşecektir.

UNIC Projesinden kısaca bahsedecek olursak, Ekim 2020’de başlayan UNIC Projesi ile Koç Üniversitesi “Avrupa Üniversitesi” unvanını almıştır. Proje bu sekiz üniversitenin birlikteliğinden bir UNIC Avrupa Üniversitesi inşa etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Projenin ana temaları kent sakinlerinin refahına katkıda bulunmak; üniversite yaşamı da dahil olmak üzere şehirler bağlamında sosyal kapsayıcılığı teşvik etmek; ve toplumsal etki sağlamak için eğitim ve araştırma olanakları sağlamaktır. Bu bağlamda proje, kentlerin iyi yönetişimi için, üniversiteler ile belediyeleri bir araya getirmeyi planlamaktadır. Konsorsiyumu oluşturan sekiz Avrupa ülkesinden sekiz üniversite şunlardır: Deusto Üniversitesi (İspanya), Ruhr Üniversitesi Bochum (Almanya), Cork Üniversitesi (İrlanda), Koç Üniversitesi (Türkiye), Liège Üniversitesi (Belçika), Oulu Üniversitesi (Finlandiya), Zagreb Üniversitesi (Hırvatistan) ve Erasmus Üniversitesi Rotterdam (Hollanda, koordinatör). Daha fazla bilgi için web sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.

Projenin kent ayağında Şehir Laboratuvarları (UNIC CityLabs) adı altında, üniversite ve şehir arasında ortak yaratıcılık için bir platform planlanmıştır. İstanbul olarak CityLab’in ilk ayağını 25 Haziran 2021’deki online olarak planlanan çalıştay ile gerçekleştirmeyi hedeflemekteyiz. UNIC, toplumsal konularla ilgili farklı bakış açıları ve bilgileri bu CityLab’leri altında toplayacak ve paylaşacaktır; bu sorunları ortak yaratıcılıkla birlikte çözmeyi hedeflerken; akademi ve sivil toplumun üyelerine ilham vererek toplumsal etkiye yönelik çalışmalara katkı sağlayacaktır. İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Koç Üniversitesi ve Vehbi Koç Vakfı iş birliğinde, her yıl iki kere farklı temalar altında planlanan UNIC CityLab’lerde şehrin sorunlarına yönelik ele alacağımız ilk konu “Göçmen ve Mültecilerin Şehir Yaşamındaki Kapsayıcılığı”dır.

Sekiz UNIC üniversitesi ve bulundukları şehirlerin ortak sorunları etrafında yerel paydaşları bir araya getireceğimiz çalıştayımızasizleri davet etmekten mutluluk duyarız.

Çalıştayımız 25 Haziran saat 13:00-16:00 saatleri arasında online olarak gerçekleşecektir. Çalıştaya katılım dili Türkçe olacaktır. Çalıştay Zoom üzerinden ve sizlerle paylaşılacak Miro platformu üzerinden gerçekleştirilecektir.


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UNIC Pop-Up CityLab, Istanbul, June 25, 2021

The UNIC Pop-Up CityLab is a virtual workshop where students engage in research prior to the CityLab with academics and key city stakeholders to develop a problem analysis and mapping to identify with the city challenge on “Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Cities” in order to enhance societal impact. Koc University as a partner institution in the UNIC Project, the Workshop will be held online at 13:00 on Friday, June 25, 2021, in collaboration with Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, MiReKoc, KUSIF, KOLT and Vehbi Koç Foundation.

CityLabs provide learning opportunities by bringing together different knowledge and know-how, creating spaces for knowledge co-production, fostering a dynamic connection between learning and doing, and changing the usual practices around urban sustainability between the government and academia. CityLabs are examples where the urban areas’ local issues can be experimented with knowledge co-production across government, academia, and other knowledge groups to develop new frameworks and know-how, necessary for urban sustainability. On the same line of thoughts, CityLabs are forums exclusively established to co-produce policy-relevant knowledge among relevant knowledge groups in academia and governing bodies. The symbolic notion of a laboratory pinpoints that CityLabs usually constrain their focus to a specific city, issue, or timeframe while exploring and producing different types of know-how to generate meaningful insights. Urban laboratories put together change processes and the necessity of practices and concepts, creating connections for the cities’ future visions to the politics and patterns of a better ‘tomorrow’.

UNIC CityLab are designed to work on specific challenges that our post-industrial cities face involving various issues such as urban resilience, climate-friendly cities, development, diversity and inclusion and many more. On yearly basis, every UNIC partnered university pick two challenges and work on these topics both locally and internationally.

For the first theme, Istanbul CityLab will focus on diversity and inclusion aspect since cities are on the frontline of efforts to foster the well-being of refugees and migrants. Therefore, the first theme of the UNIC Istanbul CityLab will focus on diversity and inclusion concerning refugees and migrants living in cities. This is how the CityLab experience will evolve through a student-led engaged research to the completion of the analysis in a virtual workshop with participants joining all over the city.

Our workshop will take place online on June 25 between 13:00-16:00. The language of participation in the workshop will be Turkish. The workshop will be held via Zoom and the Miro platform.



Istanbul CityLab: June 25 @ 13:00-16:30

How does it work?

  • Apply to join.
  • Students will be selected across disciplines.
  • Before the CityLab Day:
    • Students will participate in an engaged research with guidance from KUSIF (Koc University Social Impact Forum) and MiReKoc (Migration Research Center at Koc University) between 15 and 30 May.
  • The CityLab Day:
    • On the day of Istanbul CityLab (June 25), students, academics, city stakeholders and citizens will work together on a virtual CityLab workshop to finalize the analysis.
    • The Language of the Worskhop will be Turkish

Who can join?

  • All Koc University students (Bachelors, Master and PhD) from all disciplines.


  • Participants in the CityLab experience will receive a letter of recommendation signed by the MiReKoc Director Prof. Ahmet İçduygu and KUSIF Director Dr. Gonca Ongan, depending on their contribution in the CityLab.
  • Successful participants will gain a chance to physically participate to the UNIC CityLabs Festival that will be held in Liège (14-17 October 21) (depending on the mobility and travel measures at the time of the Festival)
  • You will have networking possibility. Not only do you get a chance to work with students from other majors, you’ll also get a chance to network with academics, researchers, NGO members and city stakeholders
  • Remember, by joining the UNIC CityLab event, you’ll also get a chance to be part of the UNIC alliance network and work with peers across all UNIC universities (Erasmus University Rotterdam; Koç University; Ruhr University of Bochum; University College Cork; University of Deusto; University of Liège; University of Oulu; University of Zagreb).

What is UNIC CityLab Vision:

CityLabs provide learning opportunities by bringing together different knowledge and know-how, creating spaces for knowledge co-production, fostering a dynamic connection between learning and doing, and changing the usual practices around urban sustainability between the government and academia. CityLabs are examples where the urban areas’ local issues can be experimented with knowledge co-production across government, academia, and other knowledge groups to develop new frameworks and know-how, necessary for urban sustainability. On the same line of thoughts, CityLabs are forums exclusively established to co-produce policy-relevant knowledge among relevant knowledge groups in academia and governing bodies. The symbolic notion of a laboratory pinpoints that CityLabs usually constrain their focus to a specific city, issue, or timeframe while exploring and producing different types of know-how to generate meaningful insights. Urban laboratories put together change processes and the necessity of practices and concepts, creating connections for the cities’ future visions to the politics and patterns of a better ‘tomorrow’.

Istanbul CityLab: The First Local Challenge on Diversity and Inclusion

UNIC CityLab are designed to work on specific challenges that our post-industrial cities face involving various issues such as urban resilience, climate-friendly cities, development, diversity and inclusion and many more. On yearly basis, every UNIC partnered university pick two challenges and work on these topics both locally and internationally.

For the first theme, Istanbul CityLab will focus on diversity and inclusion aspect since cities are on the frontline of efforts to foster the well-being of refugees and migrants. Therefore, the first theme of the UNIC Istanbul CityLab will focus on diversity and inclusion concerning refugees and migrants living in cities. This is how the CityLab experience will evolve through a student-led engaged research to the completion of the analysis in a virtual workshop with participants joining all over the city.

Relation to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

This event supports SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities; SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals; and SDG 11 Sustaianle Cities and Communities.