
October 24, 2019


October 25, 2019

MiReKoc 15 Year Anniversary Conference

Migration and Development in the ‘Global South’: Research Challenges and Policy Implications

Call for Papers for Young Scholars and Early Career Academics


Confirmed Speakers:

Oliver Bakewell (The University of Manchester)

Thomas Faist (Bielefeld University)

Mine Eder (Boğaziçi University)

Rinus Penninx (University of Amsterdam)

Ranabir Samaddar (Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group)

Jan Rath (University of Amsterdam)

Binod Khadria (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

Marie McAuliffe (Head of Migration Policy Research Division, IOM)

Howard Duncan (Carleton University)


Dates: October 24 –25, 2019

Hosted by the Migration Research Center at Koç University (

Deadline to register: October 22, 2019

To attend, fill in the following form:


The global migration research agenda mainly focuses on migration from states in the ‘Global South’ to the ‘Global North’, although much migration occurs among countries within the ‘Global South’. Migrants and refugees within the ‘Global South’ migrate to neighboring states or far beyond seeking refuge, as skilled or unskilled labor, entrepreneurs among others. Simultaneously, citizens from the ‘Global North’ migrate to the ‘Global South’ for work, retirement or as a lifestyle choice. Migration to, through and among countries within the ‘Global South’ may involve multiple trajectories, transit spaces or destinations as migratory policies change, or economies fluctuate. Providing a space for discussion, we call upon researchers to reflect on migratory practices, experiences of displacement and forced migration in the ‘Global South’.

Papers must engage directly with the notion of ‘Global South’ and focus on one of these themes:

  • Diverse Issues in Migration and Development
  • Urban Migration: Cities, Labor, Processes of Othering and Forms of Belonging
  • Forced Migration in the ‘Global South’: Legal Frameworks, Actors and Experiences
  • Methodological Innovation and Terminology in Migration Research on ‘Global South’
  • Research Collaboration across Geographies and Institutions in the ‘Global South’ and ‘Global North’

The conference is organized with panels for young scholars and early career academics and three roundtable panels with senior migration scholars.

(See our Conference Web Page and the PDF for the extended CFP for details)

Conference Web Page: 

