
March 4, 2020 - 11:30 am


March 4, 2020 - 1:00 pm


Koc University, Rumelifeneri Campus, Sos143   View map

MiReKoc Wednesday seminar co-organized with the Department of Sociology continues with Sumi Hollingworth’s presentation on ‘Class, race and exchange value friendships: theorising mixing in urban schools’. The presentation and discussion will take place on Wednesday, March 4th, 2020, at 11:30, in SOS143. Registration is required for participants not affiliated with Koç University to

Title: Class, race and exchange value friendships: theorising mixing in urban schools

Abstract: Based on empirical, qualitative research on ‘social mixing’ in multi-ethnic London schools, this paper argues for a conceptualisation of social mixing as an exchange of the self. Through analysis of three working-class, minority ethnic students who attempt to ‘cross borders’ into White middle-class subcultures, I explore the differing capital value embodied in their raced, classed and gendered identity positions. Friendships across this border are characterised by ‘semi-investments’ on both sides, and promise only partial possibilities for social mobility via social mixing, though limited access to academic capital and embodied Whiteness.

Bio: Sumi is a mother, partner and sociologist who researches and writes about community, identity, parenting and education for social justice. For twelve years she worked in university academic research in London, UK, and undertook a PhD in sociology of education. She is interested in social relationships and how we attempt to connect across difference, and try to find alternative forms of value under western capitalism, or beyond it. She now works freelance and blogs at Waiting for the machine to stop. She is currently visiting researcher at Koç University in Istanbul.