MiReKoc Special Panels at “Social Value Matters” Conference


MiReKoc is hosting two panels for Koç University Social Impact Forum’s “Social Value Matters” Conference, which will take place on 10-11 April 2017. The conference will focus on the four key areas of principles, people, practice, and power, we will be seeking to develop plans for how we can move to maximizing social impact, making […]

Koç University Rumelifeneri Campus

MiReKoc & Jus Gentium & KU Law School Seminar on “The Governance of Migration”


MiReKoc collaborates with student club Jus Gentium and Koç University Law School for the seminar entitled “The Governance of Migration at Different Levels: Perspectives from Theory and Practice”. MiReKoc researchers Ayşen Üstübici Önay and Eleni Diker share insights on externalization of the EU migration policies and resettlement procedures. Ayşen Üstübici Önay – Externalization of the […]

At 1:30 pm
Koç University Rumelifeneri Campus